How Podcast improve the marketing Strategy in 2024

In the past years, the ideology of marketing has changed systematically. While billboards, TV placements, and posters still play an important role in marketing some business sectors, all these traditional methods are no longer the epitome of the show.

Although some marketers still prefer traditional advertising methods, the amount spent on digital marketing has elevated by 15% per year since 2012, while the amount spent on conventional advertising has been stationary or even dropped in some years. Modern-day businesses are deciding to let traditional marketing and choosing to focus instead on increasing their social image. And here’s how it can be done.

Technology has transformed marketing

In today’s world which has been digitized every footstep has your potential customer, or investor for that matter of fact. With proper research, it has been secure that globally, people spend an average of 7 hours online daily. This potential figure can be higher in regions with younger populations.

The easy internet access has been one core driver leading to major firms spending increasingly higher budgets on campaigns that gonna run over the internet. There has been another driver who has been influential just as technology in evolving Podcast marketing in Dubai. It also demonstrates why podcast studios in Dubai have become an increasingly major international corporation.

Today’s company has the flexibility of understanding their customer’s point of view to a wide variety of parameters ranging from geological to cultural and even psychological.

Data analysis allows for a much finer degree of granularity when devising marketing methods since it allows you to grasp the behaviors of your customers at a far more granular level. This opened up a wave of new possibilities in defining and approaching audiences, building a microcosm of niches and special interest groups that characterize the Internet today.

Podcasts are unusually effective at reaching niche audiences and drawing value out of them because they can celebrate expertise from knowledgeable, charismatic podcasters. This enables podcasts to do something many other forms of marketing cannot for one simple reason.

The Audience Has Changed Marketing

People hate adverts. That’s a fact. The reason, to a great extent, is historical. In as much as people have been bombarded with adverts on the radio, TV, newspapers, billboards, and so on, most have grown mostly distrustful of them. Today’s audience is way more skeptical and discerning than those of yesteryear, and even the notion of adverts has taken on something of a distasteful cultural tone.

Audiences no longer wish to be sold to by tall authoritarian figures. Instead, many consumers would sooner trust brands with which they’ve created a sense of identity. Your audience wants to relate to you and understand your interests before they can commit to you.

It means that they want to be able to see themselves in you and relate to your passions and causes. This is why content marketing has gained tremendous traction with younger audiences who spend more of their time online, and why podcasts in particular can be just the thing one needs to reach his or her marketing goals.

Modern Consumers Value Trust Over Authority

The modern consumer spends most of their time on the internet. However, that does not mean they are looking to be advertised. The modern consumer is seeking either education or entertainment when on the internet.

These ads, when set in front of modern consumers during their internet browsing, either annoy them or are tuned out completely. To be honest, what’s the last ad you remember watching on YouTube?

This is why so many online marketing campaigns can’t hit their marks. They try to take old, traditional marketing assumptions based on a world where people get entertainment and education from only a few sources and paste them into one where endless entertainment and education are at every consumer’s fingertips. It just won’t work.

Your need is to grab your customer’s attention from the ocean, which is the World Wide Web, by appealing to their need for entertainment first and foremost, before the product or service. This necessarily means you have to establish rapport and trust with your audience.

Compared to that with their favorite TV talk show host, the para social relationship that audience members have with their favorite YouTubers or podcasters is minute, because it is just so easy to reach out and connect with them. By embracing this trend-that is, through integrating organic marketing through content likelihood of successfully communicating your message will go through the roof.

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